Source code for ML.LinearRegression.LinearRegressionStream

import numpy as np
from linear_regression import train_sgd, train, init_plot, plot, evaluate_error

[docs]class LinearRegressionStream: """Helper class for linear regression. This class provides train and predict functions for using linear regression with `Stream_Learn`. Parameters ---------- draw : boolean Describes whether the data is to be plotted (data must have 1 dimension). output : boolean Describes whether debug info is to be printed. Info includes average error and current error. incremental : boolean, optional Describes whether the linear regression algorithm is run incrementally or not (the default is True). If incremental, then the algorithm uses incremental calculations for matrix inversion and matrix multiplication if the data has 1 feature, or stochastic gradient descent if the data has more than 1 feature. Otherwise, the algorithm uses linear algebra. alpha : float, optional Learning rate for stochastic gradient descent (the default is 0.01). Ignored if incremental is False or if incremental is True and data has 1 feature. figsize : tuple, optional A tuple containing the width and height of the plot for the map (the default is (15, 8)). Attributes ---------- train : function The train function with signature as required by `Stream_Learn`. predict : function The predict function with signature as required by `Stream_Learn`. w : tuple The learned weight vector. avg_error : float The average error per window of data trained. """ def __init__(self, draw, output, incremental=True, alpha=0.01, figsize=(15, 8)): self.draw = draw self.output = output self.avg_error = 0 self.incremental = incremental self._init_func() self.w = 0 self.alpha = alpha if draw: init_plot(figsize) def _init_func(self): if self.incremental: def train_function(x, y, model, window_state): step_size = window_state[3] current_window_size = window_state[0] max_window_size = window_state[4] # Initialize model if not initialized if not model: class Model: w = np.zeros((x.shape[1] + 1, 1)) sum_error = 0 i = 0 # Use incremental matrix state if data has 1 feature if x.shape[1] == 1: x_sum = 0 y_sum = 0 xy_sum = 0 xx_sum = 0 model = Model() # Set incremental matrix state if data has 1 feature if x.shape[1] == 1: model.x_sum = np.sum(x) model.y_sum = np.sum(y) model.xy_sum = np.sum(x * y) model.xx_sum = np.sum(x ** 2) # Model is already initialized # If data has 1 feature, add last step_size points from # sums elif x.shape[1] == 1: for i in range(-step_size, 0): x_value = x[i].tolist()[0] y_value = y[i].tolist()[0] model.x_sum += x_value model.y_sum += y_value model.xy_sum += x_value * y_value model.xx_sum += x_value ** 2 # If data has 1 feature, compute w with incremental matrix if x.shape[1] == 1: n = x.shape[0] model.w[1] = (model.xy_sum - model.x_sum * model.y_sum / float(n)) / (model.xx_sum - model.x_sum * model.x_sum / float(n)) model.w[0] = (model.y_sum/float(n) - model.w[1] * model.x_sum/float(n)) self.w = model.w if self.draw: plot(x, y, model.w) # If the window has not reached steady state and the next # window will be at steady state, remove points to # correctly update the sums if (max_window_size - current_window_size < step_size and not window_state[1]): for i in range(0, step_size - (max_window_size - current_window_size)): x_value = x[i].tolist()[0] y_value = y[i].tolist()[0] model.x_sum -= x_value model.y_sum -= y_value model.xy_sum -= x_value * y_value model.xx_sum -= x_value ** 2 # If the window has reached steady state, remove the first # step size points from sums if window_state[1]: for i in range(0, step_size): x_value = x[i].tolist()[0] y_value = y[i].tolist()[0] model.x_sum -= x_value model.y_sum -= y_value model.xy_sum -= x_value * y_value model.xx_sum -= x_value ** 2 # The data has more than 1 feature, train using SGD else: model.w = train_sgd(x, y, self.alpha, model.w) if self.draw: plot(x, y, model.w) self.w = model.w error = evaluate_error(x, y, model.w) if self.output: print "Error: ", error model.sum_error += error model.i += 1 return model # Non-incremental training else: def train_function(x, y, model, window_state): if not model: class Model: w = np.zeros((x.shape[1] + 1, 1)) sum_error = 0 i = 0 model = Model() model.w = train(x, y, self.draw) self.w = model.w error = evaluate_error(x, y, model.w) if self.output: print "Error: ", error model.sum_error += error model.i += 1 return model def predict_function(x, y, model): self.avg_error = float(model.sum_error) / float(model.i) if self.output: print "Average error: ", self.avg_error, "\n" X_array = np.array(x).reshape(1, len(x)) y_array = np.array(y).reshape(1, len(y)) return evaluate_error(X_array, y_array, model.w) ** 0.5 self.train = train_function self.predict = predict_function
[docs] def reset(self): """Resets the KMeans functions and average values. Resets: train, predict, avg_error """ self._init_func() if self.draw: init_plot() self.avg_error = 0